
Washing machines wash clothes three erroneous zone

         Take the clothes to dry cleaners or laundry washing (industrial washing machine) should be a lot of friends, but there are according to the survey, laundry washing equipment has become the top killer of skin health harm consumers, many professional doctor pointed out that some seemingly very healthy, very normal laundry method, often there is a huge health concern;So today in guangzhou ENEJEAN washing machinery manufacturing co. , LTD.  Small make up for the sake of our laundry dry cleaning staff a more professional, more scientific to wash clothes, just share with everyone working in the laundry staff about how to correctly use washing machines to wash clothes;

         Myth 1: all clothes washed together
         Many people like to put all of the clothes in the washing together, both garment, underwear and socks all throw into the washing equipment, knight will make clothing more dirty. Through the clothes will have bacterial growth, according to the survey, each square centimeter of area there are at least 100 microbes, which use detergent to clean, also can remove 80% of the bacteria, the hook of the bacteria can cause cross infection. Therefore, when soaking and washing the clothes, different clothes must wash separately.

         Myth 2: brightener for detergent
         Present a sparkling white after a lot of clothes in the washing, in fact this is the effect of whitening agent brightening agent is a kind of can absorb ultraviolet light chemical dyes, after enters the body, rather than being decomposed by the human body is combined with the protein in the body quickly, so it is difficult to eduction body outside, increased liver burden, and easily fluorescent agent on the skin is born. Some people think that clothes not only beautiful but also clean after whitening it is all a misunderstanding.

         Myth 3: washing the longer the better the results
         Washing the clothes, the longer is not equal to the cleaner the clothes some stubborn stains, passage of presoak to prewash and proper rub to remove. Washing time shoulds not be too long, otherwise not only didn't clean will also damage to the fiber clothes.
Don't look down upon these details, often, a lot of laundry staff is not pay attention to the small details leading to the customer's clothes without washing clean, no washing health. Thus will lead to your laundry bad rap, traffic loss.

