
Laundry in industrial waste water washing equipment. What should I do

         For the laundry, washing equipment(Laundry equipment price) work of the washing wastewater emissions by how effective low-cost treatment has always been individual users to discuss a question. ENEJEAN washing machinery manufacturing co. , LTD.  Small make up today about the week with everyone together to discuss this problem.

         Want to washing equipment washing wastewater effectively, so we must first to see the washing wastewater composition modes and their respective properties, and then according to the specific situation of the implementation of the corresponding method, finally to achieve effective and low cost.
In general, for washing waste water of washing equipment, is made up of washing wastewater and cleaning wastewater, dry waste water of 3 blocks, where each accounted for the proportion of 30%, 60% and 30%, which refers to the main wash washing washing wastewater, produced by this kind of wastewater are turbid, and contains a lot of fiber, impurities, detergent, is the most d deal with the waste water.

         For cleaning wastewater is refers to the rinse water washing equipment, this kind of large amount of waste water and foam, containing a small amount of floater is less, so the corresponding processing is relatively easy, and for dry wastewater is quantity is little, the cleaner, can be recycled.

         Now the laundry for washing wastewater treatment are usually used to collect pool for centralized collection, and then USES the barrier isolation, oxide sterilization plus potions, eventually to insolate, treat waste water of all kinds of impurities and fiber completely eventually designed to discharge after precipitation. But for the part with the corresponding sewage treatment plant in the laundry room, to handle is relatively simple, only need to handle sewage treatment plant can directly.

         For washing equipment cleaning wastewater, waste water and dry because of the water quality, water quantity big, the impurity content is less, so has a high recycling value, adopted by the majority of users will have double drainage function of washing equipment, washing wastewater and collected separately dry waste water discharge, and then carries on the simple processing used to washing equipment for 2 times. To achieve that reduce the amount of washing wastewater processing, and reduced the laundry water consumption at the same time.

         Above is I think at present in the treatment of the washing equipment ENEJEAN washing wastewater of several commonly used, but whether it is a kind of method to use of the corresponding equipment and have a certain technology, nonetheless, but here ENEJEAN hope each user effectively carry out the work, put an end to indiscriminate row to put, do laundry a energy conservation and environmental protection. 

