
Is there a washing machines with automatic drying function

         Many customers are asking when consulting equipment have washing equipment is with the function of automatic dehydration and drying, small make up to tell you there is, with the function of drying washing equipment we use its said as washing and drying machine (coin washer and dryer) as a capacity within the range of 15 to 50 kilograms, single machine can complete linen washing, bleaching, and baking multiple washing equipment operation, the current user for its judgment is mixed, then this what is with the function of drying washing equipment, and is worth to buy?

         From the machine has the functions and services provided by the view, with the function of drying washing equipment realize the integration of the operation, let originally need for switching between multiple machines in operation to complete the linen washing, dehydration, drying processing, now has become one. So not only reduce the cost of our buyers, but also reduce the demand of choose and employ persons, let originally need many people become now only one operation. And the appearance of the machine also reduces the laundry land demand. So from these respects, the with the function of drying washing equipment is indeed a good laundry equipment.

         But in actual use after each user feedback and in view of the performance characteristics of the machine, with the function of drying washing equipment and there are the following, first is the drying effect is limited, because of the whole machine structure, working principle and so on factors, the machine in the actual execution little exceptions when washing, dehydration, but drying operation, drying time is too long, not only in dry at the same time some, such as bed sheet, quilt cover such big cloth grass doesn't get better drying effect.

         Moreover is machine fault is a bit high, along with the increase in the machine function, internal circuit of the machine of set, the function module is more natural, and thus the actual when using the functional disorder of probability is a little higher, natural its failure frequency is a little higher, in the context of actual use, the drying effect of electric heating tube is easy damaged, is currently with the function of drying washing equipment is unable to avoid a problem.

         So all the above terms, this with the function of drying washing equipment which has the advantages of other machines do not have, at the same time also has its nots allow to ignore. So about the machine what, this problem is worth to buy, it need to be used in accordance with your actual demand, if you are a dry cleaners, small hotels, factories and mines laundry this kind linen processing requirements are relatively small, so it will be a good product. On the other hand if you are the hotel, hotel, hospital and other places of laundry or professional washing factory, laundry factory, that I think or choose other type ENEJEAN washing equipment as well. 

