
The difference between the industrial washing machine and dry cleaning machine

         Industrial washing machine (commercial laundry equipment for sale) and dry cleaning machine and washing machine is applicable to hotels, restaurants, cleaning, laundry and army hospital, star hotels usually use sets of washing equipment, including dry cleaning, washing, drying, ironing and folding equipment, and hospital and troops and other units are commonly used dry cleaners, industrial washing machines, dryers, etc. , small laundry depending on the business choose dry cleaners or industrial washing machine and the corresponding small washing equipment. Industrial washing in the washing process, need to consume large amounts of water, dry cleaners because of the use of washing medium is different, some people think that there is no any water in the process of dry cleaners cleaning, but this is the case? What's the difference between the industrial washing machine and dry cleaners?

         Industrial washing machine is usually working in a large laundry room, large capacity of parallel concentrated industrial washing machine washing have been widely accepted in large and medium-sized laundry factory. But how to use mass washing well, how to optimize the number of large industrial washing machine in parallel operation and mutual assistance between industrial washing machine and other laundry equipment, maximize washing interests is worth thinking about. Massively parallel washing, is is to much of large industrial washing machine together parallel operation through a certain way, so as to achieve a single or a few industrial washing equipment is unable to achieve the goal of very large scale of washing operation. It is a comprehensive systems engineering, and customers can choose according to their own washing capacity:, laundry room condition combination ratio.

         Dry cleaning is by putting the clothes in the note has a dry cleaning solvent dry cleaners, through the force and mechanical force of dry cleaners and the dissolution of solvent dry cleaning under the interaction done laundry special-purpose detergent auxiliary application. But in the process of dry cleaning is indeed need to put a certain amount of water. This is mainly because the stain on clothes usually can be divided into two kinds: one kind is oily stains, they can be in the process of dry cleaning is dissolved by the dry cleaning solvent to remove;The other is a water-based stains, they only soluble in water. If there is no water in the process of dry cleaning only dry cleaning solvent, then water-based stains cannot be removed effectively. So there are just the right amount of moisture in the process of dry cleaning is absolutely necessary. In the dry cleaning process, the source of the water there are two ways: first, any clothes in any environment will absorb different degrees of moisture, when used to wear clothes are placed in dry cleaners will naturally into some water;Second, wash before put into the dry cleaners has been preliminary decontamination treatment before, usually using a certain percentage of moisture content of dry cleaning spray water decontamination treatment in spray way in clothing smudgy local surface, and then to dry cleaners cleaning procedures.

         Whether the use of large industrial washing machine is a dry cleaners, in the process of operation should only security. Compare these are large washing equipment, using high power voltage. 

