have recommended a lot of bags when I post my blog. They are my entire favorite
in the season. Such as tassel bags, shoulder bags, alligator skin handbag and
vintage handbag. And this time, I need to recommend to you this rivet bag. It is a special
design for the woman who loves to go to the balls or parties. It is a kind of
handbag and there are not any belts on the rivet bag.
Rivet is used as engineering works or mechanical
engineering at first time. But as the development and the creation growing, rivet
has become the element in the world of fashion. Now rivet is not only used on engineering
works or mechanical engineering, but also used as the element on clothes, shoes
and bags. Today in here, I need to let you know how the rivet install on the leather
bag, then you can know how to protect your lovely bags clearly.
l Hold the leather that
is to be riveted between your thumb and forefinger. Place the rivet next to the
leather to be sure it is the correct length. The rivet should be a tad longer
than the material.
l Clip off the tip of
the post to the desired length. If the rivet is too long for the material, clip
it to leave the tip of the post so it reaches about 1/4 inch over the material.
l Put the sharp end of
the sewing awl directly over the pen marks. Hit the end of the sewing awl with
the plastic mallet to pierce the leather. You may have to wiggle it in between
to produce a hole large enough for the rivet.
l Put the post of the
rivet through the hole in the leather. The bottom of the rivet should be flat.
l Put the anvil under
the flat part of the rivet and put the cap of the rivet on the post.
Now you are very clear how the rivet install
on the leather bag. These rivet bags can let you take to some elegant
occasions. Long dresses with it are the perfect match for every beautiful woman.
Do not hesitate to have one.