
Men's Collection: Black Print Sweatshirt

Sport is the most favorite’s thing of men. Men will wear the sport clothes when they are doing sports. But as my personal, some sport clothes are very formal. If to buy a sport clothes as a Christmas gift, then I will choose this black print sweatshirt. Cool patterns are printed on the sweatshirt. I think when my boy is wearing this black print sweatshirt, he will look very handsome. Besides, I realize a problem which is many boys do not know how to keep their clothes longer to wear. On a cold weather, nothing beats wearing a comfortable sweatshirt -- except wearing a more comfortable sweatshirt. You can take your favorite sweatshirt and make it even more comfortable with just a few simple adjustments. You can use the washer and dryer to make a sweater more comfortable, and you can make changes to the clothing itself. The danger of making your favorite sweatshirt more comfortable is that you might never want to dress up again.

ü  Wash your sweatshirt in warm water with detergent and a nice-smelling fabric softener. When the washing machine cycle gets to the final rinse, add 1 cup of vinegar or 1/4 cup of baking soda. Vinegar and baking soda both act as fabric softener and reduce static cling. Your sweatshirt will feel softer than ever. Your sweatshirt will be soft and warm when it's done drying.    
ü  Dry the sweatshirt in clothes dryer instead of hanging it on a clothesline. The warm air and the movement from the dryer will make it softer. For an even softer feel, add a fabric softener dryer sheet to the load.
ü  Turn the sweatshirt inside out and lay it flat on its front. Fold the sweatshirt in half so the two arms are flat against each other. Make a mark where the crease is on the front side of the sweatshirt.
ü  Remove the tags and care labels from the sweatshirt. Sometimes you will feel the tag of your sweatshirt touch your neck, it is very uncomfortable. So you need to remove the tag before you put on this sweatshirt.

Black Print Sweatshirt, you cannot miss it!

