
Intelligence has become the developing direction of the washing equipment in the future market is huge

     Home expo has been held for two days, this for washing equipment industry, the biggest change is the development direction of intelligent, as the current largest white electrical appliances innovation exhibition, home expo has become many new stage debut, represents the future trend of the development of a period of time.
     Power net washing machinery small make up to know, the Chinese electrical appliances industry into the growth period, the development of enterprises and for industrial transformation and upgrading, continuously optimize product structure, consumption upgrading trend is obvious.Electrical appliances product of high-end, intelligent trend has become the new normal.
In washing equipment on the product structure, drum washing machine sales and sales as a whole have larger growth, and its contrast is pulsator and the extent of single and double cylinder volume down his forehead.

     For washing equipment industry the future trend of development, the personage inside course of study points out that with the rapid development of Internet technology, the number of mobile terminal rise abruptly, the trend of the intelligent can not stop washing equipment, it will be a great change of whole industry.
     Intelligent electrical appliances market expectations has been great, from the impact of the tide of Internet, home appliance industry is changing the pattern of the original forms, Internet development is undoubtedly for the growth of the intelligent home appliance provides a better soil, intelligent become the new breakthrough for home appliances industry consumption upgrading.
2014 a year is smart home energy, almost all the IT industry giant in the industry, have to admit that the future of smart home industry foreground is very good.
     At present domestic home appliance companies with intelligent home appliance, environment for the development of the intelligent home appliance, the other electrical appliances enterprise also started with intelligent household, so intelligent home appliance market is huge in the future.

