
How to find a place to buy good industrial washing machine

His last year opened a laundry, business is still doing quite good, about a year of net income 7.8 million and also rub enough to spare.But I recently found their store industrial washing machines is also the need for a revolution.Feel reflect consumer is reasonable, recently before washing clothes did not wear comfortable.
    Then, I open the notebook under the Google the dry cleaning industry, found ENEJEAN international dry cleaning chain has been favored by the industry inside and outside the consistent high praise.He opens the Iraqi resistance net international laundry chain website and chat online customer service.I think I spend some time to improve my knowledge of industrial washing machine learning points are necessary, are the so-called knife do not miss your job, no matter what, all the preparation is necessary in advance.

ENEJEAN international chain of online customer service gave me roughly the following several Suggestions.At the time of buying industrial washing machine, first, should pay attention to whether there is a normal manufacturer production, to see the production date and the product certificate. Second, it is best to buy the latest industrial washing machine.We can not say the latest industrial washing machine is the best, but we can certainly say the latest industrial washing machine has the old equipment no dry cleaning function, the whole process such as the new industrial washing machine full computer programming control, automatic washing process, and the new industrial washing machine is the latest of the most beautiful appearance.Third, the best field just talk with producers.Franchisees if it is to buy a set of industrial washing machine and large and medium-sized industrial washing machine, then it is best to discuss with producers, not only can get a preferential price, also can get trust of industrial washing machine.

