
Dry cleaners equipment common failures and solutions

industrial dry cleaning machine often encounter some equipment failure in daily business, not timely solve will affect the normal and orderly work of dry cleaners, so dry cleaners operators to master some common dry cleaners fault reason and solution.
    1, the drying temperature is difficult to rise.See from your screen when drying drying temperature does not rise or increase slowly, this is mainly because the last time after washing drying residue inside the pipe by the steam condenses into water after cooling, blocking before steam trap, caused by steam.
Solution: when this happens, you just need to open the dry steam outlet steam trap bypass, will the water off.
    2, the drying time is too long.Dry cleaners equipment screen drying temperature is normal, but recovery is slow, long drying time, this kind of situation is mainly due to the cilia collector and return air duct for a long time did not clean, many cilia together cause air duct narrowing, even congestion, drying air cannot flow in drying time is too long.
Solution: you just need to the collector and air duct cleaning cilia.
    3, the filter effect is not good: filter cannot adsorption filtration powder, its reason is in after cleaning the filter, forget to turn off the filter with distillation distillation tank valve began to cause distillation which is caused by high temperature steam through valve into the filter, burnt the filter.
Solution: after cleaning the filter, be sure to close the valve between the filter and distilling box.

4, dry washer fluid: if the pump work, but on the fluid but no fluid into the cylinder, the first check boot if a necessary condition, namely, water, electricity and gas, if it is found that the compressed air pressure pneumatic valve can not open, so can not top fluid, pneumatic valve work need air pressure is 0.4 Mpa, the pressure provided by the air compressor.
Solution: replace the air compressor.
    5, dry cleaners do not drainage: dry cleaners do not drain because the cylinder valve is not opened.
Solution: open air box cover, the terminal clamp reset A10.After each finished pumping smoke fluid, be sure to reset the A10.
    6, on a high speed blower overload: because the cilia collector or long time did not clean up wind, high-speed fan overload.
Solution: open the distribution box cover high speed blower overload protector is reset.

