
Industrial washing machine can wash towels What are the matters need attention

For the laundry especially disinfection towel shop, often use towel washing processing business laundry machine. Users to ignore the following problems are common among this, resulting in a towel to wash not clean or wash bad, here I give points out that guangzhou ENEJEAN laundry equipment manufacturing co. , LTD.

        1, for washing superfine fiber industrial washing machine or bamboo fiber towel, due to the towel itself is relatively thin and poor heat resistance, so the actual washing should control the speed, water temperature, prevent the towel to wash.

        2, due to the towel bath towel line is curly, prone to line. So we should be check regularly whether there is burr inside the industrial washing machine barrel, and processed according to actual situation, prevent the laundry towelling coverlet, affect the actual use of problem such as broken.

3, for industrial washing machine which according to the division of the industrial washing machine barrel capacity, we each cylinder loading, shall be carried out in accordance with the actual conditions of the wash towels quantity loaded, prevent overload conditions. Like microfiber towel weight calculation is carried out in accordance with the square, and for the hotel towel is calculated according to the weight of the individual.

        4, using industrial washing towel when catharsis, should pay attention to the detergent and rinse water level, the number of control. Prevent because of detergent on the improper, rinse impurities, dehydration caused by incomplete towel smell heavy problem.

        5, on a regular basis for industrial washing machine wash clean, prevent the internal residual dirt, bacteria, and more influence towel washing effect, cause the wash the dirty towel, wash the smell, the greater the increase in the number and failure of the whole machine, shorten life.

