
Part dry cleaners dry cleaning machinery scouring materials

Dry cleaners some dry cleaning equipment scouring materials
Dry cleaners (scouring agent suits - eight)
Dry cleaners (agent)
Packing: 8 x280ml/box
Dry cleaners (agent)
This product is composed of a variety of advanced surfactant, oil has a good decomposition capability, and leave no traces.
Suitable for removing all kinds of fabric on contamination of animal and plant oil, mineral oil, tar and other difficult to remove oil dirties;
Will this product in the clothing the dirty bit grease invasion after a few minutes, in the washing machine wash or dry cleaners.
Dry cleaners (green bottles of scouring agent)
Suitable for coffee, tea, alcohol, beer, fruit juice, etc.;
Dry cleaners (blue bottles of scouring agent)
Suitable for removing ink, ink, ball-point pen, cosmetics, dyes, etc.;

